References to the VQTS Model

References to the VQTS-Model

Ryan, C. et al. (2018): ECVET and ECTS credit equivalency in higher education – A bridge too far? European Journal of Education 2018; 00:1-11.




Luomi-Messerer, K. (2008): From Vocational Education and Training to Higher Education: Possibilities for enhancing permeability by using the VQTS model. In: Baumgartl, B. & Mariani, M. (Eds.) From Here to There: Relevant Experiences from Higher Education Institutes. navreme publications No. 7c, Vienna/Modena




Becker, M.; Spöttl, G. (2006): Transfer von Ausbildungsleistungen in Europa. In: Loebe, H.; Severing, E. (Hrsg.): Europäisierung der Ausbildung. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann, 2006, S. 117-132





Markowitsch, J., Becker, M., Spöttl, G. (2006): Zur Problematik eines European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). In: Grollmann, P., Spöttl, G. Rauner, F. (Hg.): Europäisierung Beruflicher Bildung - eine Gestaltungsaufgabe. Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 173-197.



Becker, M., Luomi-Messerer, K., Markowitsch, J., Spöttl, G. (2007): Berufliche Kompetenzen sichtbar machen – Arbeitsprozessbezogene Beschreibung von Kompetenzentwicklungen als Beitrag zur ECVET Problematik. In: Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis 03/2007.

Abstract in English: Making occupational competences visible: work process related description of competence developments as a contribution to the set of problems posed by the ECVET.

Abstract (PDF):

Markowitsch, J., Luomi-Messerer, K., Becker, M., Spöttl, G. (2008): Putting Dreyfus into Action. How to solve the core problem of the European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). Journal of European Industrial Training, Volume 32 Number 2/3, 2008, 171-186 (Emerald Publishers)



Luomi-Messerer; K. & Tritscher-Archan, S. (2007): Umsetzung von ECVET in der beruflichen Erstausbildung in Österreich. Studie im Auftrag des BMUKK, November 2007.




Institute of Labour and Social Research, Lithuanian (2007):
The Methodologies of the National Occupational Standard.

This report presents the description of the procedure of development of the National Occupational Standard in Lithuania, listing the names of the institutions, developing occupational standards and their functions, as well as the procedure of planning of drafting, development, approval and legitimation of occupational standards. The procedure of designing and coding of qualifications is presented separately. A reference to the VQTS model is included in the guidelines for forming qualifications (pp-42-43).


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (2007):Lifelong Learning Programme. European Launch Conference in Berlin on 6 and 7 May 2007

The brochure includes the documentation of the European Launch Conference of the Lifelong Learning Programme and the Lifelong Learning Festival and presents 18 outstanding projects funded in the former European education and training programmes. The VQTS model received the Lifelong Learning Award in Gold.


Leonardo da Vinci Thematic Group "Transparency of qualifications, validation of non-formal and informal learning, credit transfer" (2008): A focus on project practices.

The brochure collects some examples of good project practices carried out in the framework of the LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Programme and concerning the themes of transparency of competences and qualifications, credit transfer in vocational education and training, validation of non-formal and informal learning. The VQTS project is also included.
Download PDF - 1,5 MB


Markowitsch, J. & Luomi-Messerer, K. (2008):Development and interpretation of descriptors of the European Qualifications Framework. In: European Journal of Vocational Training, No 42/43 - 2007/3-2008/1. 



Markowitsch, J. & Luomi-Messerer, K. (2007): The European Qualifications Framework in the context of educational and occupational taxonomies. In: Lithuanian Labour Market Training Authority (Eds. 2007): International Scientific Conference – Methodology and Experience of Qualifications Systems Development. 4-5 October 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania, 43-55.